Monday, January 7, 2013


Most Best song of 2012
The best song of the year. Is the remix of dirt road anthem. Song by Jason Alden and Ludicrous. In this photo they are preforming at the 2012 grammy's. I love how the song describes how small towns are. How tight people are and how one things is said and everyone knows by the end of the day.

Best movie of 2012
Breaking Dawn of course :), I love the story that plays out in the movie. How people come around and people for around the world comes around to protect one little girl. I guess Vampires are just one huge family.

Most important new story

Mass shooting. Where a 20 year old man walked into a school with a shot and took the lives of many Children. I chose this story because it was the one that touched my heart and made me shed a few tears. Its a terrible fate that those kids barley began there life. They didn't even get to realize what there parents meant or get to have kids. Just terrible.

Who was the most important person of the year. 

I believe the most important person of the year is Mr. Brock Obama. After all he is what the wonderful nation trusts with its deepest darkest secrets. The President is the one with all our futures in our hands  I know it doesn't seem like it but he really is the most important person alive well until we elect a new one.

Best Sports Story

Linebacker Jordan Mastrogiovanni, who had been committed to the Sooners since June, flipped to the Aggies on Sunday night.
This story was the one I paid attention to because well. He is one of my favorite players on the teams, and I couldn't belive he would switch on the Sooner like that. He was a great player and the sooners with loose a good player but have a chance to gain another one.

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