Monday, December 17, 2012

Extra credit

1. Explain what happened to the man that was killed by the subway and how the photographer was able to take the photo. 
The man was pushed on to the train tracks, and the photographer has set  his setting and snapped the shot to get the drivers attention but it was far to late.
2. Why did the photographer say he took the photo?
To alert the Subway train driver. 
3. Do you think the photographer should have taken the photo?
No if he had time to change the setting on his camera he could have at least tried to save the man.  
4. Do you think the photographer did the best thing he could have done in this situation? Why or why not?
No. Because as I stated above. He still could have went over there and grabbed the man, He may have suffered a torn leg or broken bones but his life would have been spared.  
5. Do you agree or disagree with the decision to run the photo on the front page of the New York Post? Explain why or why not.
No. Why would you do that, The photographer still tried to save the man life I would at least gave him some credit in stead of turning on him.  
6. What is more important to a photojournalist, capturing images of life as it happens or stopping bad things from happening? Why or why not?

Well it all depends because. Some photos can be fore lives greater things or they can turn very bad. Like the hurricane Katrina story. The guy posted the picture so he was able to get more help.
7. Do you think it is ever ethically acceptable for a photographer to involve himself/herself in a situation that he or she photographs? Explain why or why not.
 Once again it depends on the situation. If they are trying to save a life then I would. If they are doing it for the fame factor then no.  
8. Should photojournalists always avoid influencing events as they happen? Explain your answer. 

No because it might save someone's life. Help them in a sticky situation, Find someone missing child and they didn't know was missing. Its small things like this that make a difference in our society and it doesn't matter if we shoot the photos or not.  They will be someone Else's treasure.
9. After reading the responses from the professional photographers, what stands out as the most appropriate response for a photographer to this situation.
I love the one by  Vincent. He was in a similar situation wanting to help and in a way her did. They show that he did something to help not for personal gain. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Models face

1. List the changes that were made to the model's face in the computer. (Look carefully)
Her eyes and eyebrows are changed, Her neck is made londer and skinner. And something is done to er lips.

2. Is it ethically acceptable to change a person's appearance like this in a photo? Why or why not?
  I don't beleive not. It's just showing America that you can't look that perfect with technology.

3. Are there circumstances in which it would be more ethically wrong to do this type of manipulation? In the state of fashion it is fin. But in the real world when you are shooting something that's a event or something you doing in that point of view you don't want to manipulate the photo its just a not good thing to do.

4. What types of changes are OK, and what aren't?
The changing your apperance is sometimes ok but some times not. Like if you want to do it for like job or something then its fine. But if its for your home and other things you don't want to do that because well it your family and friends you want them to see them as they are.

5. Explain what you think the differences are between fashion photography and photojournalism.
Fashion photography is making someone look to perfect, when Photojournalism you are capturing the essence of how a person is.

6. What relationship does each type of photography have to reality, and how does this affect the ethical practice of each?
Fashion: You are making someone want to buy it because you want to look like them.
When  Photojournalism you are capturing the real world. 


1. What did you see happen when you clicked on the photo?
It zoomed n or got into real detail like you were there.
2. How does this new camera work?
It uses multiple lenses to create a 3-D image.
3. What do you think a photographer would have to know about to take this kind of photo (remember its a point-and-shoot, so its full manual mode, what do you need to know about)
Do your research about the  camera and use your rules of photography.
4. Is it worth the money?
Yes it will be worth a lot of money if it was taken right. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

American soilder slide show and captions.

To me the most powerful photo is number 82 and I have a little caption that might explain it.
Love has no boundries and its what keeps a person going. Just ask any army wife. The girl in this picture stood out to me because it showed that she was willing to hold on to him even though he was a millon miles away.

SET#1 AT HOME IN DENVER 1-10 -   From when he called back the Army recruiter with his father's help. And in the next photo He Graduates and is now where he can join the Army. After that it shows him in his car and when he get out standing in front of the recumbent office. Then he spend time with his girl friend at the county fair. Father like son it shows them together with tattoos down the arm. He is hugs his best friends when the recuiter some to pick him up at his house. His friends sit on his car and cry knowing that this is really it. Showing Ian outside the recruitment centers headquarters where he will then be sword in. At last he is on base and beginning a night of practice then he will leave town in the morning to become a boot camp solider.

SET#2 BASIC TRAINING 11-22 - Ian is getting his work out uniform. Then he is getting the army hair cut. All the recuits are standing next to real soilders. He calls home for medical records for his injury. Ian wants to go home becuase of his injury. And see every one. Showing one of the excersie methods whre the boys have minutes to sort out a huge pile of bags. Ian is being directed by a sargent. They didnt complete their drill in time so for punishment they had to hold their  bags over there head. Ian saluting and showing respect to his country. Ian being a gof with his gun after the drill Sargent passed him. Them being awake at Sun rise. Ian getting his uniform one of the many.

SET#3 IN IRAQ 23-70 - The beginning of Ian's day of training in multiple buildings. Them standing against the wall with their guns drawn. Sitting down listening to their instructor speak. Someone pulling a prank on Ian buy placing saving cream on his head. Ian hiding in the bushes. Getting hit over the head by the Sargent. At Honor hill being welcomed with bonfires. Ian getting ready for a ceremony. He is assigned to a base near home. Standing at home with his dad for the few days he is home. He is running to where ever he is going. Busting in a door with his gun for training. Buys a ring for his girl. In the rest of them he is pretty much spending sometime with parents and his girl and doing different training exercises while also he leaves for his tour in Iraq he goes over and does a huge amount f stuff there then gets on a planes and heads home.

SET#4 BACK HOME IN DENVER 31-  His parents stand in the airport awaiting his arrival when they find out there was an accented. His mom cries when she sees him come home in one piece. He proposes to his girl and they get married. Also buying a house of there own. They have a pit bull.

The pictures where he was reurning home. Because there was so much emotion and such in the photos.

It was in past tense

They show what the picutre captions and uses tense that maskes them eotional as well.

Number ten, eighty two, and eighty three,

Ian stands out in the dark lisenting to the instructer as he gives them there first night of marraige.

They get married and decide to have a larger cermony for family adn friends.

Ian and his new beloved wife are moving in to there new house with there pet pit.