Thursday, April 11, 2013

The 7 News Values In The News~

1. Timelessness 
Well they have been looking for this Gunman for over two weeks now and this is the recent updates over the facts they have about him and I am sure they will have many more. 

The Blotter: East Austin shooting victim ID’d; gunman sought

2: Proxcimity

Well because it was a famous buger joint here in Austin.

Final bite: Austin diners mourn closing of Fran’s Hamburgers on S. Congress

3: Promince 

 He is a little boy and has made a big achievement and deserves to be recognized for that goal he has reached to symbolize to never give up hope or to show that hope never dies.

Austin boy advanced to National Geography bee

4: Impact 
With the new gay rights bill being passed it will effect alot of people in a positive or Negative way.

Rare Gay Rights Bill passes by senate committee 

5 Conflict
Well its schools against the Goverment with the taxes being increased will cause the schools to make more cuts in how many students that could be accepted or how many teachers. 

Tax incentives for private schooling face dim prospects

6  Human Interest:
Because sucide is a major topic in the news these days, and he was able to walk away from it and find his voice to help others. 

After suicide attempt, Combat veteran finds his voice.

7 Novety 
Its not very common for you to hear about a bomb threat.

Tax incentives for private schooling face dim prospects